7 Ways To Prevent Hair Loss



Whether it’s long and curly or short and sleek, when our hair looks and feels gorgeous, we do too.

But with most of us losing 150 strands naturally everyday, losing it can be a concern for many women.

If you want to protect your tresses without the hassle of hair loss treatments, follow our tips on how to prevent hair loss below and keep your hair full of life. 💫🌈

Enrich diet with protein

Eating lean meats, fish, soy or other proteins promotes hair health and in turn helps curb hair loss.

Avoid smoking

Smoking cigarettes reduces the amount of blood that flows to the scalp and this causes are duction in hair growth.

Avoid brushing wet hair

When hair is wet, it is in its weakest state. So avoid brushing wet hair because the chances of hair loss increases.

Protect from heat

Heat weakens hair proteins, and constant heating and drying can lead to weakness and fragility that causes hair loss.

Keep your head sweat free

Men who wear helmet experience major hair loss in summer. As the sweat accumulates in the pores and weakens hair roots causing hair loss in men.

Maintaining good hair and scalp care

Keeping the scalp and hair clean may also prevent hair damage and loss. It may also improve hair growth.

Keep yourself hydrated

The hair shaft comprises one quarter water so drink at least four to eight cups of water in a day to stay hydrated and for the growth of healthy hair.

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