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Recroma C-Line

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C-Line, exclusive to color treated hair, formulated minimum amount of alkali.
For color treated hair that has no need to lighten, C-Line can provide the colors to add-in without lightening the hair. With low alkali C-Line, the deep chroma color can be achieved.

By synchronizing on tone levels with Fashion color, you can easily adjust the tones between newly grown hair and already dyed hair. Also, the pH level is set higher and alkali is adjusted to the minimum amount. The color can be clearly developed and adverse hair damage can be restored.

Narural oil ingredients are abundantly formulated to improve the luster and texture while alleviating the damage. Meanwhile cutcles are well protected and maintain sleek texture.

25 coloring agent.


与Fashion Line之间设定连动,所以头发新生部与既染部的颜色调整也相对变得容易。此外,将Ph值稍微调高的设定,将所需要的碱含量调整到最小。一方面可以确实的发色,一方面也保护发质的损伤。



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